Viz Playground - basic data viz with Vega

Oh no :-/ I haven’t written a post in so long!

For my second technical post, I had in mind something related to the talk I gave at PyCon Sweden 2017 back in September 2017 (here’s a link to my slides on Github). My idea then was to share my experience of trying a new data visualisation tool. This tool called Altair isn’t another data visualisation library as such, but a Python API to access the powerful and simple Vega-Lite JSON like grammar for interactive graphics (itself build on top of Vega).

Why Vega?

While it was fun and interesting to try out Altair (I used it for a personal project), it is still in the process of supporting Vega-Lite 2.0. So, I now decided to directly try out Vega.

The idea is still to have a go-to tool for creating a rapid data visualisation. Specific use cases would be a prototype, a hackathon project… Come on, don’t tell me you don’t have a dataset of interest to visualise and share with a colleague or the world (well, your Twitter followers at least)!

Vega generates web visualisation using either HTML5 Canvas or SVG. And here we’re working with Vega-Lite which provides a more concise syntax than Vega.

Create a Vega-Lite chart

Note: You can have a look at the plot on Blocks!

Vega-Lite visualisations are specified by JSON objects that can contain several properties like “name”, “description”, “title”, “data”, “transform”, etc…

To define a minimal chart you want to provide the “data”, “mark” and “encoding” properties.

  "data": {
            "values": [{"element": 1, "value": 4},
	               {"element": 2, "value": 8},
	               {"element": 3, "value": 15},
	               {"element": 4, "value": 16},
	               {"element": 5, "value": 23},
	               {"element": 6, "value": 42}]
  "mark": "bar",
  "encoding": {
    "y": {
      "field": "element",
      "type": "ordinal"
    "x": {
      "field": "value",
      "type": "quantitative"

You can copy/paste this code in a Vega editor!

Embed a Vega-Lite chart in html

The easier way to publish a Vega-Lite visualisation is to embed it using the libray Vega-Embed.

1) Add the CDN (content delivery network) links in your HTML page:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

2) Add a div where the visualisation will be attached <div id="vis"></div>.

3) Link the #vis div to the Vega-Lite chart object using the function vegaEmbed(), like this: vegaEmbed("#vis", chart);.

The chart object to be embedded contains “data”, “mark” and “encoding” properties as well as an optional JSON schema, “$schema”, and an optional “description”.

In my example below you can see the vegaEmbed function can take an extra optional property (called opt below). This gives you more control on the rendering of the visualisation. Here I choose to render a SVG (instead of a PNG image) and I specify its size.

var chart = {
	  "$schema": "",
	  "description": "A simple bar chart with embedded data.",
	  "data": {
            "values": [{"element": 1, "value": 4},
	               {"element": 2, "value": 8},
	               {"element": 3, "value": 15},
	               {"element": 4, "value": 16},
	               {"element": 5, "value": 23},
	               {"element": 6, "value": 42}]
	  "mark": "bar",
	  "encoding": {
            "y": { "field": "element", "type": "ordinal" },
            "x": { "field": "value", "type": "quantitative" }

var opt = {
	  "mode": "vega-lite",
	  "renderer": "svg",
	  "width": 450,
	  "height": 450

vegaEmbed("#vis", chart, opt).then(function (result) {

This code creates the following chart:

horizontal barchart

Minimal interaction

I thought it would help the user experience to add a display of information about a data point when one hovers over said data point. For that I used the Vega plugin called Tooltip.

There isn’t much more to do once the chart is embedded in htlm.

1) Add links to Tooltip javascript and CSS CDNs:

<script src="[VERSION]"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[VERSION]/build/vega-tooltip.min.css">

2) Create a tooltip using the vegaTooltip.vegaLite() function using the Vega view and the Vega-Lite chart object:

vegaEmbed("#vis", chart, opt).then(function (result) {
      vegaTooltip.vegaLite(result.view, chart);

Here’s what the tooltip looks like:

gif of horizontal barchart with tooltip

And interact with it here.

My take away

I find Vega-Lite grammar super nice! The usage is straightforward and it’s very well documented! I’m definitely going to use it more in the future.

I’m also looking forward to the new version of Altair and I’ll try the Clojure API for Vega called Oz.


[1] Vega-Lite data property:

[2] Vega-Lite mark property:

[3] Vega-Lite encoding property:
